Receiving Leadership Lessons Via a New Antenna

Have you joined the revolution? The New York Times reports that while “cable is the dominant mode of TV delivery for all age groups…nearly a fifth of younger adults don’t subscribe and are content to connect their TV to the Internet or use antennas for broadcast.” My wife and I ditched cable in 2009, as…

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Five Steps to Avoid “Death by Ambiguity”

Guest Post by Jennifer Davis When a company reorganizes, hires a new leader, or when an individual’s job responsibilities morph into a new role – a common phrase is often heard when the changes are introduced, and that is “change is hard.” But change is also necessary – for businesses to address new competition or…

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Harnessing The Power of Employee Recognition

Not surprisingly, some of the biggest challenges facing HR professionals today are employee turnover and engagement. According to Gallup, millennial turnover, in particular, costs the U.S. $30.5 billion annually. Just as organizations want the best talent, today’s talent wants to work for the best organizations. Gallup also says, “it’s possible they don’t actually want to…

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6 Employee Retention Strategies For Your Company

Guest Post by Tess Pajaron The best employee for your company is one who already has a thorough understanding of the job and a proven track record of being excellent at performing his or her duties. Make Employee Retention Job Number One Losing employees has a potentially devastating domino effect. It takes time and money to…

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This Is What Millennials Want From a Mentor

Guest Post by Aaron Michel When people think about what good mentorship looks like, they often think of Luke Skywalker honing his Jedi skills in the swamps of Dagobah, as Yoda offers him cryptic wisdom like, “Do or do not. There is no try.” (At least that’s how I used to think of mentorship.) While…

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When You’re Too Valuable to Take Time Off

One of the toughest lessons I ever learned was that my business won’t fall apart when I go on vacation. It was a blow to my self-esteem to realize that I could step away from my desk and, more importantly, from my email inbox for a week and the world would keep on turning. During…

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John Maxwell’s Greatest Piece of Advice for Young Leaders

When one of the greatest leadership voices and authors of the past 50 years is asked to share “a single piece of piece of advice” with young leaders, you immediately grab a pen and paper. That’s exactly what I did when I had the opportunity to hear John Maxwell speak at Catalyst Conference in 2008….

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What’s Next For Millennials? Leading the Next Generation

Guest Post by Kern Carter An odd question, I know. It seems like many Millennials are either still searching for themselves personally and professionally or just hitting their stride in both. But I feel like the question must be asked. As a recent member of the 30’s club, I’m a Millennial that’s already thinking about…

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Tips for New Managers: How to Manage Your Friends

Guest Post by Sarah Landrum It’s a dream come true: You got the promotion you were so hoping for. It’s also a nightmare come true. You now supervise a lot of people, many of whom you call friends. One day you’re sitting at lunch, griping about the messy break room. The next day you’re overseeing everyone’s…

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Opportunity Versus Legacy: A Generational Tug of War

We need to end the generational tug of war. Our focus needs to shift to legacy, leaving our places better than we found them. We need a betterment focus.

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How to Make Millions by Chopping Wood

Guest Post by Brian Bandas I recently found myself on the terrace of a magnificent home here in Nashville, standing out in the cold with the owner under a space heater shaped like some sort of metal tree. I happened to know that he is the founder and owner of a reputable mortgage brokerage here…

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The Difference Between Debating and Discussing

With primary debate viewership soaring, how are these spectacles affecting the dialogue in our culture? How can we get back to thoughtful discussion?

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