Innovation: a Tool for Realizing Potential

Too often innovation is seen as an end in and of itself. Rob Long makes a case instead, for leaders to see innovation as a tool for realizing potential.

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3 Brutal Leadership Truths No One Likes to Admit

Guest Post by Annabelle Smyth Let’s face it; leadership can be incredibly challenging. Although some people have a natural inclination for leadership roles, it doesn’t eliminate the effort it takes to become successful. It doesn’t negate the value of experience and dedication. And it certainly doesn’t get rid of the challenges that leaders are bound…

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When You Want to Give Up: Responding to Frustrations While Leading Change

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Has it ever been more difficult to be patience? Today, patience can seem as optional and unnecessary as ordering a DVD from Netflix when it’s available for instant streaming. The explosion of technology like Amazon Instant, Spotify and UberEats has removed barriers which formerly…

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How to Provide Productive Criticism to the Participation Trophy Generation

  Millennials are known as the participation trophy generation. In an effort to teach us that “winning isn’t everything,” we were all celebrated equally. Rather than being rewarded for working hard or winning, we were all given a prize for showing up, even when (if we’re honest with ourselves) we weren’t that good. While the…

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7 Ways to Develop Leadership Skills While Volunteering

Guest Post by Jessica Freeman You sign up for a volunteering program, willing to learn as much as possible. However, the disappointment occurs shortly after: you realize that the people in the organization are giving you silly tasks and you don’t even get in touch with the leaders. How are you supposed to obtain leadership…

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The 5 Most Important Hats You Can Wear as a Leader This Year

It’s funny how something as little as one number can massively change how we feel about our lives. The move from one year to the next creates anticipation, expectation, dread, and even anxiety. During the first few days (or even weeks) of a new year, we wrestle with our desire for change and the sense…

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How to Effectively Run Remote Teams

Guest Post by Sophia Anderson Hiring remote workers has been debated and analyzed many times, and you will always find those in favor of it, and those who are against it, but rarely will you find actual advice on how to successfully manage a remote team of people. In this day and age, geographical location…

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A Guide To Ensuring Employee Accountability

Guest Post by Andre Lavoie Think back to the elementary school lunchroom. You and your classmates would be chatting loudly and swapping bags of chips when someone had the great idea to start a food fight. After the first fruit cup took flight, a few other brave kids would chuck the contents of their lunch…

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Do You Feel You Can Affect Change?

Do you feel you can affect change? A straightforward question but it delivers a sense of what is possible or impossible. Can we affect change? I stood in line to vote. In my early voting place, people were standing in line and getting ready to make their selections. It was invigorating to see. Voting is a…

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Hoarders: Leadership Edition

Have you ever seen the TV show, Hoarders? It’s not a show for the faint of heart. The reality of these people’s homes is somewhere between gross and gut-wrenching. As you watch the show, you learn the people facing these issues with hoarding are dealing with stuff far deeper than their piles of garbage. They are…

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4 Ways to Foster Innovation in Your Company Culture

Guest Post by James Pointon Innovation is something that is absolutely necessary for continued success. Even if you are at the top of your field, resting on your laurels and sticking with the same old routines will only succeed in leaving you behind at the bottom of the pack. But it’s not easy to innovate,…

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How Anxiety Affects Your Leadership

Guest Post by Jessica Thiefels Being the leader of a company comes with its perks and drawbacks. One of the drawbacks: anxiety. Even if you don’t deal with this in your personal life, being in a leadership role can cause it to flare up, whether you’re asked to take on more responsibilities or need to manage…

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