How Your Company Can Change Your Community for the Better

Engaging with people and causes around your workplace can yield positive benefits. Here is how your company can change your community for the better.

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Thoughts on Crazy Rich Asians: How Representation Impacts Self Worth

Inspired the romantic comedy Crazy Rich Asians, Justin Kanoya shares how representation impacts self worth and why that’s so important.

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Learning from Lincoln: How Our Greatest President Invited Difficult People to the Table

Some of the people we consider most “difficult” are those who see the world differently than us. Learning from Lincoln and his team of rivals could help.

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Resist the Urge to Have the Last Word

Having the last word can be intoxicating. How to do we resist the urge to focus on “winning” and instead fight to find common ground?

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Why Smart Leaders Derail: Avoiding Career Pitfalls

A problem for many successful people is knowing when to let go of the need to win.These five key factors seem to trip people up consistently.

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When To Compromise and When To Hold Your Ground

When running a small business, deciding when to compromise and when to hold your ground can be a challenge. Negotiations can be tough to navigate.

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Let’s Redefine, Re-Adjust and Rethink Human Resources

Has our traditional understanding of Human Resources departments become outdated?Maybe it’s time to rethink Human Resources.

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Why Great Leadership Matters More than a Rock-Star HR Department

Having an effective HR team can convince a leader that their most important work – creating an environment where people can thrive – is someone else’s responsibility. Ultimately though, great leadership matters. Cultivating these four leadership habits will ensure a team thrives.

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Open-Handed Leadership: The Intersection of Humility, Adaptability, Longevity and Influence

What if leadership isn’t just about having the best ideas? The idea of open-handed leadership means leaders must value more than just expertise.

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In Business and Baseball: Adaptation is Key

In business and in baseball there is a constant need for adaptation. How a major league baseball manager adapts to lead a team to victory, can be emulated in various aspects of our personal and professional lives.

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New Ways to Finance Your Small Business in 2018

There is no “right” way to fund a business since everyone’s situation is unique. Finding the best way to meet your unique needs is what is most important. Here are six ideas that are creative ways to finance your small business.

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Bouncing Back: How Resilient Leaders Respond to Failure

Many leaders suffer from illusory superiority, meaning they are absolutely delusional about their own performance. However, failure is inevitable. Author Jeffrey A. Kottler shares the art of bouncing back when it happens.

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