It’s Time to Unclutter: When Less is More

Feeling overwhelmed, over-scheduled, or overbooked? It just might be time to unclutter. The Thin Difference community weighs in with some advice.

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The Necessity of a Quarter-Life and Mid-Life Crisis

A quarter-life crisis happens. A mid-life crisis unfolds. I have thought both are frauds or distractions. Just do your work, and all will be fine, I thought. But not all will be fine. A crisis may be an overstatement. Terminology throws us. Is struggling with where you are with your career a crisis? Is feeling…

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A New Era of Corporate Social Leader Activism

Leadership is shifting to a corporate social leader mindset. Leading in an activist way is creating greater value for business and communities.

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How Elementary Mindfulness Teaches Adult Leaders

Mindfulness meets minimalism. Elementary mindfulness in practice: “Sometimes when I get mad I just breathe deep… I just, like I picture me being in a certain place I like… I think of being a bigger person and doing something maybe a wise man would do…” All clutter is removed. Mindfulness clears a path. Together, mindfulness…

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It’s OK to Ask for Help

I recently sat in a keynote about achieving personal greatness. It wasn’t one of those obnoxious overly-inspirational pep talks about how this person defied all the odds and was an overnight success story. It was an intimate open story about how overcoming struggle was key to mental wellbeing and ultimately, unleashing her personal greatness and…

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How to Be a Mindful Strategist

Being a mindful strategist creates the next advantage for your business and organization. Mindful practices heighten our attention in the right places.

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How to Flourish as an Ideapreneur

To flourish as an Ideapreneur, embrace your natural enthusiasm and creativity; but it also might be necessary to redefine success.

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Minimalists: Essential Shift for Next Generation Leaders

Being a minimalist is a new way to lead. Millennials may adopt a minimalist approach in their leadership style. Minimalists eliminate excess to focus on what matters most in the present. By doing this, minimalists keep their future unfettered from carrying a lot of debt and other baggage. Minimalists gain clarity of purpose through these…

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Minimalist Leaders: 5 Enlightened Ways They Clock Time

Minimalist leaders are the next generation of leaders. Removing leadership clutter is essential. Delivering on clarity of purpose is rewarding. Freeing the spirit and minds of the organizational citizens is activating. Minimalist leaders are a new kind, a necessary one in a cluttered world. To recap, I defined leadership minimalism as: “A practice that helps…

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Leadership Minimalism: A New Mindset to Clear Clutter

Preparing for the Leadership Minimalism Mindset Time does funny things. One of them is the collection of stuff. We have our messy drawer at home, but our messiness extends in many places. As individuals, we collect things. We pick-up something from a place we experience. When we return home, we put it somewhere. Over time,…

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Your Choices (And You Are Not Invincible)

In our youth, we feel invincible. After all, time is on our side. We have a lot of time to pursue our story. In our old age, we feel invincible. After all, time is on our side. We have limited time to amp our story. The reality is we are never invincible. We are human…

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Forget Life Plans. Pull Life Strings.

Forget life plans. Many life plans lay unused. The time has come to pull life strings and weave a life story of purpose and positive impact.

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