The Need for a Culture of Belonging

Belonging is an essential human expectation. More than an expectation, belonging is community. We need to develop a culture of belonging.

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Upstanders: 7 Essential Guiding Principles

  “Despite my preference to stay out of the media. I’ve taken the view that each of us can be bystanders, or we can be upstanders. I choose upstander.” Words written from an unexpected individual, Seth A. Klarman, a value investor once called the “Oracle of Boston” by The Economist magazine. Being an Upstander gains…

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7 Ways to Develop Leadership Skills While Volunteering

Guest Post by Jessica Freeman You sign up for a volunteering program, willing to learn as much as possible. However, the disappointment occurs shortly after: you realize that the people in the organization are giving you silly tasks and you don’t even get in touch with the leaders. How are you supposed to obtain leadership…

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What Simon Sinek Got Wrong about Millennials in the Workplace

During the past month, several individuals sent me the YouTube video of Simon Sinek discussing Millennials in the workplace. The interview is conducted by Inside Quest. The first time I watched it, I thought there were some valid points, but other elements didn’t sit well. After watching it several times, it became more clear that…

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3 Alternatives for Those Who Don’t Set (or Keep) New Year’s Resolutions

  Is setting New Year’s Resolutions still on your to-do list? You’re not alone. Even though we’re five days into 2017, millions of people across the country are already behind on their goals for the new year. If you’re beating yourself up about not setting any resolutions yet, here’s some more good news, no one really…

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How Long Until New Year Becomes Old Year?

Each new year, we start with good intentions. Before too long, the new year becomes the old year. We do not change, and our bad habits grow and expand. After all, if we survive with the bad habits, why not do more? When change does not stick, we go deeper into the bad habits. After…

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What Are Your Words of Intention and Action?

Chris Brogan, a writer and business coach, begins each year with three words. The three words provide a focus for the next 12 months. While some jot down resolutions, others may compose intentions for the new year. Different approaches work for different people, but the thing I like about the three-word approach is you can…

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Why Is Peace So Hard in Our Weekly Work?

Cheer is out this year, and peace is in. With our season preparation, more people are choosing the word “peace” in their holiday cards than “cheer.” According to Minted, a San Francisco-based company that sells paper cards online, orders for cards with “peace” in the message rose 14 percent. “Previous to this year, I couldn’t…

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Work Is a Blessing

Work is the blessing. A challenging statement when we try to find the easy path or race to retirement. Life is work, and work is a blessing. A new mindset.

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The Coming Day After

Big decisions happen on a given day. Although big decisions do not happen every day, we know the big decision or event days when they come. Tomorrow is Election Day in the United States of America, and it is a big day. More than Election Day itself is the coming day after. Tomorrow sets a…

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Let Your Passion Inform Your Career

You’ve likely heard that passion is a key ingredient to success. What if you don’t know what your passion? How do you go about finding it?

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Discontentment: A Great Leadership Challenge

Discontentment is evident, and it is more than just an election cycle. In the United States, our election is highlighting the discontentment. With the recent Brexit vote, discontentment is present within the United Kingdom, too. Add in Venezuela, the Middle East, and several other places, and discontentment seems to be present in more places than…

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