When Everything I Thought About “Finding Your Calling” was Wrong

We’ve been conditioned to believe that “finding your calling” is the ultimate career goal. So how do we find something we care enough about to give everything we have to achieve that goal?

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Leadership Governance: A Guardian Angel Practice

Ethic failures of business leaders increased. To create greater leader accountability, a new leadership governance model is required – a guardian angel way.

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How Louis Armstrong Influenced Activate World

Launching a new project, like Activate World, can leave us feeling vulnerable or uncertain. Small moments of clarity can be all we need to push forward.

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Four Life Lessons Learned While Traveling Solo

Sometimes what you learn on a trip can be the best souvenir you bring home. Maya James shares four lessons learned while traveling solo.

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In the Middle, Be Still

To gain empathy, we need to be still. Added to stillness, we need to energize our middle and commit to action in which we construct more common ground. A result – mindfulness activated.

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Respect, Energize the Middle

The middle of organizations and society matter more than we may admit. More then ever, we need to energize the middle. We need to respect the middle.

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Innovation: a Tool for Realizing Potential

Too often innovation is seen as an end in and of itself. Rob Long makes a case instead, for leaders to see innovation as a tool for realizing potential.

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The 7 Skills of Highly Effective Millennial Leaders

Millennials occupy a majority of the American workforce. David Grossman draws on his experience to share 7 skills of highly effective millennial leaders.

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Four Essential Leadership Ladders

Leadership ladders leave individuals and places better than before. In family, self, organization, and community, leadership ladders matter.

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Leadership Fails and Who Cares?

Though it may be difficult to pinpoint exactly why leadership is failing, at least we can stop doing a few things.

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When Patience Pays Off

  Ask a “successful” person for advice on how they achieved that success and one common answer will always be “you gotta have patience.” It’s often surprising to find out that someone’s success didn’t just happen during the past year or month and that the proverbial “overnight success” is not really a thing. Somewhere along…

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Walking the Heart Path: An Interview with Sharon Reed

Sharon Reed does many things. Sharon serves as Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of the Global Girls ProjectTM, a not-for-profit storytelling platform that elevates the importance of character and core values in the global gender conversation. Add into the mix – parent, artist, advocate, author, and much more. Sharon just published Walking the Heart Path:…

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