New Ways to Finance Your Small Business in 2018

There is no “right” way to fund a business since everyone’s situation is unique. Finding the best way to meet your unique needs is what is most important. Here are six ideas that are creative ways to finance your small business.

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Should Business Leaders Promote Policy? A Key Question

Business leaders are playing a bigger role in society by engaging in and promoting policy. While some question their role, business leader activism is a needed role.

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Great to Good Leadership: Good Activates Better Leadership

In leadership, we need a shift from great to good. We need to focus more on the greater good than individual greatness. Good activates better leadership, and the time is now.

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Walking Reflection: What Do You See and Hear? What Answer Emerges?

Spend twenty minutes in a walking reflection, seeking the answer to the question, “Are we on the right path?” Our communities need focus on how we can do more for the greater good.

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Balancing Health and Work: A Call to Be Kind and Gentle to Ourselves

Sometimes it takes an unexpected emergency to get us to refocus. David Grossman shares how he’s reconsidering balancing health and work this year.

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Trust and Engagement: A Leadership Jolt to Act

Trust and engagement are declining. We need a leadership jolt and reboot our practices to raise trust and engagement to better levels.

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You’re a Human Being, Not a Human Doing: 3 Steps to Opt Out of the Rat Race

Has life’s busyness got you ready to opt of out the rat race? Guest writer, Randy Conley, encourages us to remember we are human beings not human doings.

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Better Society, Better Days: Moving from Stale Leaders to Smart Leaders

Bold statements on better days and better society inspire. We need more than inspiration. We need smart leaders from all generations.

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Considering Citizenship

How much thought have you put into your citizenship? Writer Maya James, has decided she no longer wants hers to just happen to her.

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Do We Think and Act Too Big?

Is being too big getting us in trouble and off track? Being big leads to focusing on the wrong things. It is time to narrow focus and act with meaning.

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Leaders: Have a Sense of History

Leaders are missing a sense of history. A sense of history is important in business, education, nonprofits, and government.

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No One Deserves Toxic Friendship

No one is immune to and no one deserves toxic friendship. What do you when you discover that a relationship is not good for you?

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