Cultivating a Consistent Narrative: How to Avoid One Story at the Top and Another at the Bottom

Cultivating a consistent narrative is a leadership challenge. How do we ensure that the story told from the top is what is experienced at the bottom?

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Maximizing Collaborative Value Instead of Maximizing Shareholder Value

Maximizing collaborative value needs to replace maximizing shareholder value. A singular focus on shareholders displaces the greater purpose of a business.

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When To Compromise and When To Hold Your Ground

When running a small business, deciding when to compromise and when to hold your ground can be a challenge. Negotiations can be tough to navigate.

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How Personal Brand and Shareholder Value Led Us to Selfishness

The pursuit of personal brand and shareholder value have created a business world and society soaked in selfishness. Without accountability and a business and individual mindset shift, we will sink to greater chaos.

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What Meetings Do People Want to Attend? Design an Experience.

What meetings do people want? Too many organizers do not think about the answer to this question prior to scheduling a meeting. We need to design a better meeting experience.

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Let’s Redefine, Re-Adjust and Rethink Human Resources

Has our traditional understanding of Human Resources departments become outdated?Maybe it’s time to rethink Human Resources.

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Stubbornness is Never a Good Leadership Trait or Virtue

Stubbornness is sometimes viewed as a positive leadership trait. It is not. Stubbornness becomes an excuse for self-centered, ineffective leadership.

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Balancing Entrepreneurship and Student Loans

With student loans being a norm for many who want to attend college, entrepreneurship is evolving into a riskier avenue for those in debt to lenders. But rest assured, balancing entrepreneurship and student loans is possible. Here’s how.

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Ethical Choices: Followers, Courage, and Imagination

Whether we want to recognize it or not, we make ethical choices in who we follow, the courage we exhibit, and the imagination in which we see situations. Thoughts on leadership ethics.

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Flexible Policies to Improve Your Employees’ Work-Life Balance

When you institute policies that help team members achieve a healthy work-life balance, your employees will fuel your bottom line. Here are a few suggestions to tweak your existing policies and structure.

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The Right Routines for Thriving in Change

Finding inspiration to be consistently creative can feel a bit daunting in our VUCA world. Writer Sara Saddington suggests manageable routines for thriving, even when the muse seems to be playing hard to get.

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Considering How We Define Success

How we define success is a question we all must wrestle with. While it’s common to consider only our professional accomplishments or wealth, Zach Morgan hopes we’ll take time to broaden our definition.

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