Is Life a Game of Inches?

Is life just a game of inches? It sounds uninspiring and tedious. There needs to be more to it, and there is. A game of “inches” needs to be tightly wrapped with a clear purpose. Life needs to be meaningful every inch of the way.

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Admiring the Perfect June Cleaver Family

Barbara Billingsley died on Saturday, and she will always be known for her role as the Mom, June Cleaver, in Leave It to Beaver. She was the perfect Mom with the perfect family. Even though it seems that some families are perfect, they are not. It is impossible to have a perfect family.

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Contemplating the Meaning of 11 Words and Leading an Inspired Life

Kevin Hall delivers a thought-provoking book with Aspire. Exploring the true meaning of words delivers a path for us to be better leaders and a better person.

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6 Ways to Lead Like a Farmer

Farmers are not often thought as leaders, but they exhibit 6 key principles which everyone can learn from and apply.

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The Simple, Expansive Story of Jonah

Surprised by Grace is a great book which delivers depth and context on the story of Jonah. It is about God’s grace but also accepting God’s calls in our lives as well as accepting God’s grace when it happens for others. It is a story we should understand and apply in our communities today, where irrational words and actions are driving tribal passions instead of the mission of God’s grace and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Bookends are a great illustration of our lives. Our time is bound, limited in some way, so we must make the most of it. We must live a great story to fill our space.

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Being Responsible for Real, Young Christians

CNN and the Wall Street Journal have recently published articles about the youthful generation of Christians. Churches are trying to adapt so as to not lose our youth. However, the church may have moved too far and missed the mark to engage our youth in a real, meaningful way. Everyone needs to up their role and level of responsibility when working with our young Christians.

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Weathered Souls

Today is a time to be re-souled. We are troubled with the times, confused by the noise, faced with uncertainty. Renewal can happen with silence to listen, reflection to understand, and a new sense of direction. For me, this seemed to be the overall theme of the 2010 Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.

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Motivation, Values, Discipline

Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit, Day 2: a great mix of business, religious, and social talent to convey a message of motivation, values, and discipline.

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To the Point: Day 2, Global Leadership Summit 2010

Thoughts on Day 2 of the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.

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It’s about Doing Your Best in Life

The Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit offers countless lessons and insights. Where to begin? It begins with our lives and what we make of them.

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Life Smells, in a Good Way

Life smells, indicating to us the different phases we go through. We need to take our cues from the smells and always strive to do our best, no matter which smell is upon us!

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