Get a Pair: Buy Khakis or Live Boldly

I drive by this billboard almost every day. Get a Pair. The first time I drove past it, my marketing brain went to work, and my thought was “what a bad ad.” If I liked the khakis, I did not know the brand nor could I read where I could buy a pair. My conclusion…

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2011: Top 10 Most Read Posts

Yesterday, I highlighted my least read posts that were written in 2011, so it is only fair to highlight the most read ones, too! Each of the posts outlined below were written in 2011 and received the highest traffic, according to Google Analytics. Here is the list of the most read posts of 2011: What…

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2011: My Top 10 Least Read Posts

As we look back, we evaluate things that went wrong as well as the things that went right. Writing is no different, so I went back and looked at what my top 10 least read posts were. Here they are for all to ignore… again! 1. The Meaning of the Middle Series: A Wrap –…

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Your Intangible Presence of Living

We focus on tangibles. Partly due to the fact, I believe, we can touch them, grab of hold of them, or point to them. The tangibles become a part of our persona. With our iPhones®, iPads®, or other devices, our personal brand begins to assume the characteristics of that item. We identify ourselves with what…

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How Much Time Do You Spend Doing Soul Work?

I have pushed on this thread of soul sparks in my last few posts, and it is a concept that remains on my mind (as you might be able to tell!). First, soul sparks were defined. After this, several types of people were defined who may try to stand in our way of moving a…

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How to Recognize Soul Spark Stompers

Soul sparks are necessary elements in any life. They deliver inspired directions in our lives and relationships. What we do with our soul sparks is up to us, but some around us try to stomp them out. They are the soul spark stompers. Many years ago, I read a book by M. Scott Peck. If…

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What Are Soul Sparks?

I believe in soul sparks. Do you? Soul sparks are those small ignitions of inspiration that can fan into big changes, new directions, or fresh works. They come from deep down inside you, yet make your body and mind shake with the excitement of the possibilities. These are soul sparks. There are different types of…

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Move from / Move to

You can look at life just about anyway you want to and, for the most part, it is your choice on how to approach your life. One way I like to look at things is in these from / to viewpoints. One to add into the mix is:  Move from / Move to. While there are certain…

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Do You Wish Your Life Away?

How many times during a given day do you start a thought with “I wish…”? It is so easy to do. I wish I had enough money to buy a home. I wish I had a better job. I wish I had the money to go to explore the greatest wonders of the world. I…

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Faith on the Outside, Gaining Strength

An interesting thought occurred to me the other day. My faith is strengthened more outside of the church than within it. I began to think about that thought and, at first, it scared me a little. Wow, has the church fallen off the track that much? Maybe it has been the churches I have been…

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Have You Lived a Newspaper Headline?

Do you ever read the newspaper with shock at the unbelievable tragedies? You read, you feel, you may even say a little prayer for those involved. What do you do when it happens to your family? Unfortunately, we are facing that right now with my brother. He was in an explosion which happened recently. When…

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Is Your Verb > Noun in Your Social Media Community?

Building a social media community should be more than maintaining. It should be engaging. Is your verb greater than your noun as it relates to your community?

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