Life. Steps.

There are many steps in life. An average life is 78 years. If each step represents a day, We have 28,470 steps to take.   Each day, each step, we have a choice. We can stand still. We can step backwards. We can take a step up and forward.   Each step isn’t easy, No…

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In Living and Leading, Do You Amaze or Maze?

You know the expression. You see their brows furrow as their face cringes in utter confusion. You see their eyes brighten as their face opens in complete wonder. You look in the mirror, and you see fatigue and dullness in your eyes. You look in the mirror, and you see enthusiasm and energy deep inside….

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The Strategist – Bring Your Passion and Leadership

The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs by Cynthia A. Montgomery brings strategy front-and-center and challenges leaders to embrace it as a core and continuous action. Strategy is not something to hand-off to someone else, and it is not to be just a document safely stored away. Strategy and leadership need to be interconnected,…

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What Are Your Numbers in Life?

We count things in life. Number of cars. Number of kids. Number of bedrooms. Number of jobs. Number in our paycheck. All numbers are not bad. They may reflect a consistency, an accomplishment, or positive years forward. For me, it is a year of numbers. My dad turned 80 years old. My mom is 75….

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Key Leadership Question: Do You Make Yourself Better?

About a year ago, I posed a central life and leadership question: “Do you make people better?” To me, this is an essential question we need to answer by the way we live and lead. The answer must be “yes” to live and lead with full purpose. As I participated in my third Willow Creek…

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Real Life Choices: We Have Gifts and Challenges

It hit me. Our real life struggle. It is a fight between our gifts and our challenges. The winning one dominates us. Which one ends up on top drives the outcome of our life – good or bad. This is a real life choice. We all have gifts. Each of us has gifts. We may…

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What Would You Tell New Leaders?

Growing up, we lead. We lead high school groups. We organize bike rides for charities. We launch a lemonade stand. We dive into college groups and emerge as part of the leadership team for a year or two. And, then we get our first job. We start differently. We analyze, write, and support others. We…

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How to Select the Right Life Path Jumps

There are three types of people in this world. Those who do no harm as we navigate our life path. Those who pull us up to a new purpose-filled life path. Those who pull us down to a dreary, frustrated life path. Whether we recognize it at the time, there are people we encounter who…

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Choices Are the Strategy. Decisions Are the Tactics.

Choices are the strategy. Decisions are the tactics. These two statements empower our life purpose and focus our decisions.

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Decisions vs. Choices: Is There a Distinction?

Is there a battle – Decisions vs. Choices? Does it matter if there is a difference between decision and choice? It may. The line between what constitutes a decision versus a choice may be slight. Let’s look at the definitions in Decision:  the act of or need for making up one’s mind. Choice:  the…

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How to Get and Keep Respect – 4 Practices

I believe one thing people want in life is respect. We want to feel valued, listened to, and called upon to do ordinary and extraordinary things. It is about self-worth, and it is about using our talents. Respect is such a simple thing in concept. In practice, since other people are involved, respect gets more…

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Wake Up Your Character

Character is often discussed. However, it is commonly done in terms of values and leadership styles. It becomes a surface-level talk, almost naïve in approach. Yes, our character may be apparent in meetings, conversations, and good times, but how does it really work when faced with everyday reality? During the past several weeks, I have…

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