Moving Beyond Career Status Quo with Mark Hopkins

It was good to catch up with Mark Hopkins as part of his book tour for Shortcut to Prosperity. As I have read more about Mark and his work, he has solid experiences in his work career, his career transitions, and current endeavors. His message will resonate no matter the generational perspective we have. It…

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Leadership and the Art of Struggle

Steven Snyder wrote a solid leadership book on something everyone deals with but not many write about. In Leadership and the Art of Struggle, the book is dedicated to working and leading through challenges, adversities, and changes. Challenges can wear us down. When this happens, we can lose our way and get off track. Challenges…

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Six New, New Things I Learned from Wisdom 2.0

Mindful curiosity can take you on new paths of understanding and discovery. About two years ago, I became aware of Wisdom 2.0. I always had a conflict when the conference was held, but this year it was a clear path. After just completing almost three days of attending sessions and engaging in wonderful conversations with…

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Conscious Capitalism: Established and Progressive

After reading Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business by the Co-CEOs of Whole Foods Market, John Mackey and Raj Sisodia, I am left with a reaffirming confidence in what business really can be and, in many cases, is. In the past decade or so, it seems many businesses have lost their way –…

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Challenge Your Status Quo

This simple sentence published by Ali Davies in Google+ stuck with me. “Being willing to challenge your own status quo is an essential part of getting on the path to creating change.” A very true statement and a very challenging one, too. Personal change can only happen if a person wants to change. Leaders can…

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Infinite Choices Is a Fallacy – How to Avoid Infinitethink

We have many choices today and the danger is of getting infinitethink – a loop of not choosing. There are three ways to narrow choices and keep focused.

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The Magic of Leadership – Converting

What drives success? It is a question that drives people to unwise jealousy. Other times, the answer leads people to a flurry of motion…. commotion really. It becomes a cloud of stirred up dust with no seeds planted in the fertile grounds of momentum and growth. Let’s declare this the Year of Converting! Values, philosophy,…

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Is It Better to Have a Life Plan or a Life Philosophy?

Much has been written about the importance of a life plan. Even more has been written and promoted about steps to develop one. All of this is positive, but is it the right approach? Life Plans Fall Short Life plans without a life philosophy will not survive in the long haul. A bold statement, maybe,…

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Millennial Leaders – Building a Horizontal View

Through Trust Across America, I had an opportunity to host an hour radio show. Generation Y – or Millennials – have several unique characteristics, and my focus was on this generation and how it may change leadership and working principles. Many of the key points from this discussion centered on two key elements: Horizontal View…

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How to Gain Trust – Simply Four Ways

How to gain trust? We must be believable so others have confidence in our ability to keep our word, do our part, and follow through on expectations set.

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Resolve: Have It, Use It

The resolution time of the year has arrived. During the beginning of each year, we begin to say by saying “I resolve to _________”. We even may write out what we resolve to do. We resolve to: Do differently Do more Do less Do this Do that Although I believe in making principles and values a…

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Wrapping Up in 5

Time quickly passes, and it seems like a blur. If we are not careful, life zips by without us embracing it in the most purposeful way possible. It is important to take a break and consider what has passed and what is ahead. As another year is recorded, it is interesting to see what resonated…

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