How to Handle Common Leadership Mistakes?

Guest Post from Candace Meyer Almost all leaders have good intentions in leading people in an organization. Their priority is to get good results and build a good relationship with their team members. But sometimes there are instances that happen against our desired plans. Sometimes the outcome is different from what we’ve expected. To become…

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Empower Innovation with Millennials

Deloitte (an alma mater of mine) recently published their annual survey results on Millennials and innovation. The results are always enlightening and highlight the importance of moving to a Conscious Capitalism model of business. Conscious Capitalism takes a broader view of business, focusing more on purpose, engagement, and community all which will enhance innovation and…

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Top Themes to Pull Forward from 2013

This past year has been amazing. The amazing year is primarily due to the engaging conversations from a thoughtful and thought-provoking community. My gratitude is immense to the community of readers and the writers of guest posts and insightful comments. During this past year, my blog continued to concentrate on leadership topics but I made…

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Each Year, Hope and Change

When a new year starts, we hope and we are hopeful. Hope delivers a fresh page to write a renewed story of our life. When a year ends, we are worn to a certain point and reflect on change. Change is invasive and evasive in that it impacts us in many ways yet we choose…

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What Makes an Authentic Leader?

We listen to someone on stage. The message resonates yet we wonder if this person is really authentic. We listen to an interview and the conversation seems authentic. Yet we wonder if a similar tenor of exchange happens in the privacy of their home or office. We call individuals to be an authentic leader yet…

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Craving Leadership

Rod Cartwright with Ketchum pointed me to their Leadership Communication Monitor report. Reading through all the statistics and trends was fascinating, disappointing, and motivating. Here is a sample of all three: Fascinating: Acting in a customer-centered way is being more closely tied to effective corporate leadership behaviors. Although trustworthiness is still at the top in…

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The Importance of Story

Through social media or just more awareness, we gravitate toward good stories. The importance of story grows in how we lead and live.

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The Eight Dimensions of Leadership Development and Training

Guest Post from Lauren Schuckel There’s a deficit plaguing the U.S. economy: American businesses are lacking adaptive and strategic leaders. Decision Pulse, a business strategy consultancy, reports that 56 percent of the corporate leaders it surveyed predicted shortages in strong executive-level leadership as of 2012. Likewise, Development Dimensions International (DDI), a talent scouting agency, states in its 2011 Global…

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Life Lessons from a Young Legislator and an Emperor

A 38-year old newly elected legislator in Japan is a well-known anti-nuclear supporter and has a reputation in good standing. While attending a reception, he greeted the Emperor with respect and handed him a letter. The letter was quickly handed to an aide. A simple gesture turns this legislator’s story onto a rough path. After…

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The Impact of Millennials: Big and Bold

Many different surveys and infographics highlight expectations and challenges ahead for Millennials, the largest generation standing at 14% of the population. A special thanks to Ryan at USC for sending me a link to the Nonprofit Colleges Online infographic. Here are some key findings in it: Millennials are more tolerant than any other generation by…

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Is Vision Still Valid? Maybe not.

Think of all the changes happening rapidly. Technology changes. Demographic changes. Tastes change. Change engulfs us. Inside organizations, people gather to state their vision in eloquent terms. It usually is some simple statement to guide strategy and goals forward. However, as organizations stumble, the value of vision falters. Vision didn’t keep Kodak on the right…

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You Are Born to Be Brave – Can You Sustain It?

“You are born to be brave.” The words seemed to flow so easily from Brené Brown but they did not just pass by. They stuck, resonating deeply. “You are born to be brave.” What simplicity. What power. What truth. For us Boomers or Gen Xers, when we think back to our early days, we were…

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