September 2014 Leadership Development Carnival

Welcome to the September 2014 Leadership Development Carnival! I am excited to host this great gathering of leadership insights and am grateful to Dan McCarthy for inviting me to host this edition. The topic for this month’s Leadership Development Carnival is future leaders. As the next generation of leaders are making their presence known in…

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7 Types of Leadership Intentions and Impacts

Understanding leadership intentions are essential. The scale of leadership intentions is divided between harmful and healthy impacts.

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In the Middle of You and Life Is Leadership

Maybe I am on a simplicity kick. We tend to overcomplicate things. I know I am guilty at times. Let’s be real simple. Life is what happens to you and comes at you – good and bad. You come at life with your attitude, strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and talents. In the middle is your leadership…

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The Marriage of Meaning and Happiness

“It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness.” Viktor Frankl We want to be happy, find our purpose, and live a life of meaning. We want to change the world. If Millennials had a slogan, I’m certain this would be it. Happiness, purpose and meaning are top priority for our generation. I am no exception….

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What Is Your Life Theme?

What is your life theme? Answering this question when you are 20 something creates a stronger purpose-filled life story.

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VUCA: What Does This Mean for Future Leaders

Development Dimensions International (DDI), jointly with The Conference Board, conducted a survey of 13,124 leaders across many organizations, industries, and countries. An extensive study. The work was released as the Global Leadership Forecast 2014 | 2015. One of the focus areas is on VUCA – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous – and the importance of…

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Entrepreneurism: Self-expression, Empowerment and Freedom

Guest Post by Tom Panaggio Entrepreneurship is a noble and necessary vocation. One I would highly recommend. Not because it is a pathway to millionaire status or untold riches, as those are as long a shot as becoming an NBA player. But because entrepreneurship provides those who have the courage, drive, and desire the opportunity…

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What the World Needs from Every 20-Something

Guest Post by Danny Rubin For Brazil, winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing. As the country hosts the 2014 FIFA World Cup, its men’s national team feels the heat of 1,000 suns. Not only is Brazil the “spiritual” home of the world’s most popular sport, but the country already lost the World Cup on…

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How Do You Operationalize Empathy?

How do you operationalize empathy? This is the essential leadership and business challenge for us, and we need to address empathy as a way to lead.

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What Is on Your Horizon?

The prairie is my ocean. As far as my eyes can see, there is an endless flow of grass, fields, and sky. Looking out, I see possibilities. In life’s distance, a path forward begins to form, at least within my thoughts and expectations. Horizons are deceiving. When we think horizon, we think limitless or, at…

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What Inspires Me: The Power of Words

Guest Post by Brian Sooy The power of words inspires me. The right words, shared at the right time, give hope and purpose. Words create an expectation of reality; anticipation for what is promised, hope for what is to come. The Power of Words: Cast Vision Words help leaders cast vision for the promise of…

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Daring Millennial Leader: Adam “Smiley” Poswolsky

Have you ever gotten just what you wanted only to realize it was absolutely wrong for you? When something seemingly perfect turns out to be anything but, it can be confusing and disheartening. But disappointment doesn’t have to be the end of the story. When daring millennial leader, Adam Poswolsky, found himself in a situation…

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