Activate Leadership: A Calling for Millennials and More

A few years ago, I was snowshoeing in the Rockies. It was a needed break from work and other activities. Thin Difference had been my side project pursuit for several years, and I was continuing to learn, shift, and enhance what I was writing about. In the media and some social circles, there were voices…

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Live and Lead So Others Will Not Miss You

The Tracking Wonder #Quest2015 led by Jeffrey Davis has inspired key questions we need to consider deeply more frequently than just at the dawn of a new year. These are questions to be lived daily. Although there were three questions this past week, I will only focus on one. The question is from Seth Godin, and it…

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Your Life Quest: Peace. Courage. Authenticity.

The Tracking Wonder #Quest2015 led by Jeffrey Davis moves forward. Questions of what will make joy a sacred priority, what choices and actions will we live by, and what authentic stuff we will unload and use again created space to consider what it will take to make the most out of the new year ahead….

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Your Life Quest: Doing. Stopping. Feeling.

The Tracking Wonder #Quest2015 led by Jeffrey Davis continued its crescendo climb this past week. Although my tangible presence was less, my mind and thoughts were active in the questions of what makes your heart leap, what do you need to stop doing, and what emotional window are you willing to open as you do…

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Your Life Quest: Create. Curate. Conflict.

This week an amazing quest began. Jeffrey Davis and the Tracking Wonder community formed to create #Quest2015 – 12 Days with 12 Visionaries to Imagine Your Best 12 Months. What I can say three days in is “wow!” Tough questions requiring open souls and minds and eventually an answer we can stick with. I love…

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What Does Giving Trust Mean?

Trust Across America – Trust Around the World is an organization highlighting the importance and value of trusted leaders and organizations. They have launched a week long campaign – Trust Giving 2014 – to highlight perspectives on trust. Trust is critical to making any relationship or organization function in a meaningful, productive way. As a…

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Not Work-Life Balance, Work-Life Tempo

Work-life balance is a myth. Have you tried to balance yourself on a thin beam? You can do it; it just takes a lot of concentration and effort. If you move, you need to move slowly in order to retain your balance. Have you tried to balance something on your head? Or, have you participated…

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5 Ways to Celebrate Boss Day Every Day

October 16th is Boss Day. Although Hallmark has used this as an opportunity to develop and sell more cards, they did not start the holiday. Patricia Bays Haroski started Boss Day to recognize her father and also use it as a day to improve relationships between a boss and their team members. All this began…

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Making Workplace Incentives Work

Guest Post by Scott Huntington Much has been said on the pros and cons of workplace incentives. Does an incentive program actually create productive behavior, or is it just a short-term solution to meeting the quota? With the right approach, an incentive program may be just what your company needs to achieve its objectives. Take the…

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The Simplicity of Life Dreams

We have discussed before how we make life and leadership more complicated than we need to. Both are fun to write about, especially life. Writing about life is easy. Living life is messy. Although well-crafted inspirational life messages serve a purpose, there are some very simple principles to keep in mind and stay on a…

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Make Values as Important as Performance

Guest Post by S. Chris Edmonds How do you gauge your team’s effectiveness? If you’re like most leaders, you monitor performance metrics closely. You have dashboards that show sales per week (or month or quarter), market share, packages shipped, services delivered, and the like. You also have others in your organization that pay close attention to…

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Is Innovation Stalled? Not at BIF10.

Attending #BIF10 was rewarding. I am a first time attendee and am grateful to Deb Scofield for providing the final nudge to my registration. BIF stands for Business Innovation Factory, and they host an annual conference where storytellers share their experiences and insights into the why, how, and what they innovate and create. The conference…

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