The Growing Roles of Millennials in the Workforce

Guest Post by Marwa Hijazi Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) holds that Millennials – the generation born from 1981 through 1997 – will become the largest generation in the U.S. workforce by 2015. As they welcome the new wave of employees, businesses are scrambling to determine how Millennials’ ideas, values and personalities will…

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The Leadership Challenge: Soul Sparks

A leadership responsibility is to spur purpose. In my book, Activate Leadership: Aspen Truths to Empower Millennial Leaders, the idea of soul sparks is discussed. Soul sparks come in different forms. Simply put, “Soul sparks are those small ignitions of inspiration that fan into big changes, new directions, or fresh works. They come from deep…

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5 Things I’d Tell My 20-Something Self, 10 Years Later

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I can’t believe how much I’ve changed since turning thirty nearly two years ago. It probably sounds absurd; how much can one really change that quickly? But I swear it, I’ve somehow managed to figure out the many problems I struggled with over and over for…

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The Uncomfortable Truths about Generational Culture

The IBM Institute for Business Value conducted a multigenerational study and issued a report entitled “Myths, Exaggerations, and Uncomfortable Truths: The Real Story behind Millennials in the Workplace.” This is a well-done, insightful report, highlighting a key fact – there is a thin difference between generations in what we want from leaders and the organizational…

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Why Heart Matters More Than Passion

Why heart matters more than passion? Heart is about place. Passion is about pursuit. Get the place right and passion will have a place to flourish.

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Finding Meaning in Bridge Jobs

We’ve all been there – whether your’re a newly minted college grad, a seasoned professional with an expired contract, or a parent returning to work after a few years off – we’ve all worked jobs that aren’t our dream job. We take them for many reasons: for experience, for resume building, because we’re not quite…

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Millennials: Wanting More from Leadership and Business

Millennials wanting more is a positive trait as long as the wanting stays focused on purpose and stays away from the dangers of impatience.

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How to Refresh Your Leadership Practices

Take a deep breath. Refreshed. Pop in a mint. Refreshed. Snooze for 10 minutes. Refreshed. Short activities can jolt us awake again, leaving us with a sense of being refreshed. Through the years, Thin Difference has been refreshed. Last week, we modernized the look and simplified the navigation. The reality is Thin Difference has been…

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Are You Still Listening? A Leadership Lesson from Pandora

Guest Post by Sheri Nasim I concentrate better with music playing in the background. I especially enjoy dropping in the name of a song or artist on Pandora Radio and letting it find music with interesting similarities. Pandora happily plays whatever I’m in the mood for while I work away, until . . . I…

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February is the Month Dreams Die

Before a year ends we gear up our resolutions. We dream about what “can be” or what we “should be” in the year ahead. For the 45% of us who make New Year’s resolutions, one of the healthy ones we make is to get fit. Thanks to social platforms we see this surge. The Wall…

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Sustaining the Conscious Millennial Leader Mission

Deloitte conducted an extensive survey of Millennials around the world. With over 7,800 Millennials from 29 different countries, the voices of being conscious leaders begin to be heard. Who is a conscious leader? From a search within the Conscious Capitalism site, conscious leaders: “…understand that their role is to serve the purpose of the organization,…

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5 Bold Ideas from Recent Millennial Momentum

Molly Page has interviewed many Millennials through a Thin Difference-sponsored series, Millennial Momentum. Each story unveils struggles, successes, and engaging insights how leadership, career, and everything else begins to create a life on purpose. As I read through many of the Millennial stories again, five bold ideas surfaced. The bold ideas are ones to be…

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