Effective Leadership isn’t Essential for an Organization’s Survival

Guest Post by Eddie Coulson There are thousands of organizations across the globe that have mediocre or poor leadership, and many of them survive day-to-day, month-to-month and year-to-year. These organizations – from schools to software development firms to financial institutions and beyond – simply rely on people getting their work done. Whether an employee is…

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Can a Leader Be a Saint?

Can a leader be a saint? In a VUCA world, being a saint is challenging. Conscious leaders are required to lead like a saint.

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When Imbalance Strikes the Activist Leader Formula

When imbalance strikes an activist leader formula, progress unravels. Employee engagement failed. Time for a shift to an Activist Leader mindset.

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6 Questions with Daniel Pink: Generations, Career, Leadership

The Leadership Institute at Columbus State University does engaging work to develop leaders and facilitate meaningful change within individuals and organizations. Change is always present, yet the pace of change seems to quicken each year. Later this month, the Leadership Institute at Columbus State University will host its 10th forum – The Jim Blanchard Leadership…

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What Are Your Aspirations?

Do you believe aspirations are essential to life and work? Early in our career, we would likely answer “yes” to this question. A Get Schooled survey of high school students found that 78% of our youth have specific career aspirations. Within their career aspirations, they select them because: They have a personal passion (95%) They…

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You May Be a Passive Leader If….

Passive leaders are preventing progress. A new era of activist leadership is required, a new standard of leadership unfolds.

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Learning to Lead Inside the Box

For more than twenty years, Victor Prince learned about leadership by doing. He’s worked on and led quite a few teams during his career. Some were wildly successful, and others were less so. But each team provided a valuable lesson. While hiking across Spain during a six-month sabbatical, he realized it would be great to…

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5 Foolproof Ways to Effectively Lead Millennials

Let’s be honest… Millennials can be a difficult generation to lead. We’re restless; some might say impatient or entitled. We crave mentorship but hate the idea of being micromanaged. We are extremely passionate about our work but don’t have the same loyalty to organizations we work for as previous generations. The unique characteristics of our…

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Work Without Bosses, Meetings, or Offices

Guest Post by Cristian Rennella When we launch a new project, we are hardly focused on the organizational structure that we will form in the future. First there is a long list of pressing challenges, from laying out a plan for obtaining new clients and sustained monthly growth to developing a strategy to create new…

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MCON: Millennial Influence Rising, A Legacy to Leverage

On this Saturday morning, many thoughts stream through my mind like a mediocre movie with a solid theme. Thoughts are somewhat random yet connected by an emerging theme of strength in social good. The characters escalating this theme are Millennials, joining with individuals who are older yet have the youthful desire to always make a…

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How Do Holacracy and Freedom Collide?

Holacracy and freedom collide in a positive way. With a new generation coming, Holacracy is a business model to engage.

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7 Books Millennials Can Read to Rise Above Our Peers

 ‘Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.’ – Harry S. Truman If you’re anything like me, reading can feel more like a chore than a hobby. For Millennials, gone are the days where we were rewarded for reading with Accelerated Reader points (which ultimately translated to an unlimited supply of slap bracelets…

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