On Talent and Responsibility

January was a difficult month for lovers of the Arts. David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Glenn Frey… these are only a few of the individuals we have lost since the calendar switched over to January 2016. Yes, they are celebrities, and we didn’t know them personally, but their immense talent and skill at their given craft…

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What Builds Character?

Our character is developed through our experiences and what we choose to learn and do from them. Focus on what builds character.

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What Will a Millennial-Dominant Workplace Look Like in the Future?

Guest Post by Rachel Allen 2015 has seen something of a milestone in terms of the generational ratios present in the workplace: the year that millennial workers became the largest generation in the country’s workforce surpassing Baby Boomers and Gen Xers (albeit in America, but the UK and the rest of the world aren’t far…

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62 Second Chances

Do you believe in second chances? I do. Second chances deliver the opportunity to correct a wrong, choose a better path, and live a life of renewed purpose. Many institutions allow individuals to have second chances while some do not. Most educational institutions provide probation in which individuals can correct and prove themselves. Oddly, the…

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Are You Serious About Chasing Your Dream?

We often use words like passion and purpose around here on Thin Difference. With good reason, many of us realize our career prospects are rocky, even (especially?) with those fresh degrees –  so why not try to make a real go of following our dreams? We make the decision to move forward – and quickly, we realize…

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Why Deep Thinking Is Needed Now More Than Ever

Big issues face us – macro and micro. To solve our issues and find common ground we need deep thinking now more than ever.

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Generational Empathy: Setting an Example

Effective partnerships are interactive ones, creating value in each exchange. Value is key. What is value? Value relates to worth, and it needs to be additive. Going solo gives you the thick skin to weather the storms and take on the tough leadership challenges. Working with others gives you an added perspective, an extra hand,…

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3 Leadership Qualities Every Project Manager Must Obtain

Guest Post by Sébastien Boyer “Leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done.” – Vance Packard (American journalist, social critic, and author) What are the qualities of an effective project leader? Notice I used the word project leader and not project manager. Almost…

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Disrupt Yourself: A Big Interview with Whitney Johnson

Disrupt yourself. An important action to take when you reach the top of the S-curve and need a new challenge in purpose.

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Debunking the Myth of Generational Gaps

Guest Post by Daniel Weinzveg Are you as sick of these generational stereotypes we have been reading ad nausea over the past decade as I am? What more do we need to know about Boomers retiring, and not retiring? Are there really any other Millennial engagement or retention strategies to be discussed? Every time I…

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Trust: The Diverse Tales of Kickstarter and Volkswagen

Kickstarter and Volkswagen are very different companies. Last week, one company took a bold step into broadening trust and conscious capitalism, and the other sunk into vast dishonesty and lack of a moral core. Kickstarter is the first, and Volkswagen is the latter. Unfortunately, you will likely read more about Volkswagen, and the Kickstarter move…

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Innovate or Fritter: A Story of Life

An essay on BIF2015. Attending the Business Innovation Factory (BIF) Summit is an experience of 32 storytellers and over 400 attendees sharing their perspectives, initiatives, fears, and joys. Determining a common theme is challenging, yet some emerge. The subject mix is diverse, as are the people. Education, business, social good, music, and food are just…

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