Nature’s Leadership Ways

  “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~ Albert Einstein Nature centers. Nature refreshes. Too many miss the opportunity to shed electronics, worries, and stresses and disappear into nature. Nature absorbs. What I mean is nature takes in what weighs on us and provides a perspective of what matters and what survives….

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Ken Blanchard: Conversations for New Managers

Ken Blanchard is an icon. Through his books, talks, consulting, and good works, he continues to make an impact on topics from leadership to management to culture. I would have never guessed I would have an opportunity to interview him. I am honored to share our conversation that we had recently. The One Minute Manager…

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Kelly Olenski: Navigating Uncharted Waters in Mental Health Care

Gaining adequate access to mental health care has been a hot-button issue in the United States over the past several years. It’s a challenge Kelly Olenski is intimately aware of. As a trained behavioral therapist, she’s seen first-hand how difficult it can be for patients to navigate our current systems. She admits, “Accessing mental health…

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Why Your Superstars Cannot Stay

A Letter to Senior Leadership They’re passionate about work. They love what they do. Work is an integral part of who they are – they look to their jobs to challenge them, stimulate their minds, push them outside comfort zones, connect them with others, and ultimately enhance their lives. These are what you call your…

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A Rant on Agreeing to Disagree (and Learning from Each Other)

  “We’re right. You’re wrong.” It’s a dangerous mindset that impacts our lives every day. Whether we actually say it out loud or only think it subconsciously, the belief that our ideas and opinions are right, and the other side is wrong has drawn countless proverbial lines in the sand of our society: Democrats and…

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What Spaces Empower People to Collaborate?

Space to collide equals collaboration in this new world. The key question becomes: Is office space enough for effective collaboration?

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The Mindful Middle of Past and Future

People do amazing things. We are capable to do amazing things. If people are doing things and have the potential to do more, why do many of us feel like we are stuck? Not everyone may feel this way right now, but my guess is most have felt this way at one or more times…

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Building Community as a Freelancer

Transitioning work relationships from colleague to community can be challenging in a traditional work environment. Relationships take time to mature and it can be a difficult process along the way, but freelancers have an additional hurdle to jump in the race towards a healthy professional community. Many of us are working independently (translation: alone in…

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Community Creates the Music of Our Life

Our sense of community has faded into the busyness of our lives. Finding the right tempo and notes will happen when create community and find common ground.

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Building a Storyline: Millennials + Health + Technology

Michael Gaspar captures the spirit of Millennials well. Michael is inspiring all generations to engage each other for better health technology.

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Four Qualities That Help Build Community

We must build community. We must find common ground; we don’t just discover it. Scott Savage shares a few ideas to make the process easy for everyone.  

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Millennials: The New Leadership 101

Millennials believe business can have a positive impact on society, and a healthy balance sheet includes more than finances. Added healthy elements include quality along with team and customer satisfaction. These are the quick facts from the recent 2016 Deloitte Millennial Survey. The 2016 Deloitte Millennial Survey tracks the attitudes and thoughts of the next…

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