A Short Essay on Graduating and Remembering

May is a season of looking ahead and remembering the past. Graduating from school opens a new platform from which to serve.

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Thoughts on Being Present and Staying Centered

Throughout April and May, the Thin Difference team focussed on mindfulness and self-awareness. We shared the thoughts, experiences, and challenges we face when trying to stay present in this busy world. By having the whole team write about one topic, we were able to highlight different perspectives, facilitate discussion and achieve one of Thin Difference’s goals of cross-generational…

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Millennials, Gallup, Football, Leadership: A Common Thread

Gallup released a new research study on Millennials. No real surprises in the summary report, but there are some areas of commonality between generations along with some work to be done. While this report was on my mind, I came across an article about the new football coach at Rutgers. The headline stated: “Rutgers coaches…

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Tactical To-Dos for First-Time Leaders

As I was getting ready yesterday morning, my phone news feed contained this headline – “The One Question Every Leader Should Ask.” The question is geared toward first-time leaders: What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time? You can read what Roxanne Taylor, chief marketing and communications officer…

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How to Be Selective in a Jam-Packed World

Being selective sounds bad. By being selective, it seems: We are narrowing our intake that may limit our creativity. We are avoiding certain situations and living in an unrealistic bubble. We are snobbish or aloof in our interactions and relationships. A danger exists in being selective. Equally dangerous is avoiding selectivity and joining just about…

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Opportunity Versus Legacy: A Generational Tug of War

We need to end the generational tug of war. Our focus needs to shift to legacy, leaving our places better than we found them. We need a betterment focus.

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Why Being a Good Observer Matters

Self-awareness is a trait of any good leader. Being a good leader requires being a good observer. Being a good observer is more than just self-awareness.

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How to Trigger Innovative Leadership

To trigger innovative leadership, we need to be the example. To create well, we need to innovate and ignite a culture of creativity.

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Didn’t Think It Would Happen This Fast

Didn’t think it would happen this fast. Thought it would be a few days, maybe a week or two. Thought at least 36 hours would pass. Didn’t think it would happen this fast. Blink awake and wonder begins. Tended to, cared for, independence too soon. Didn’t think it would happen this fast. Alone yet connected,…

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Thoughts on Community from the Thin Difference Community

As 2016 began, we decided to try something different. Throughout the months of February and March, the Thin Difference team chose to share our thoughts, experiences, and challenges when it comes to building, working and living in community. Our hope was that by publishing several different perspectives on a specified theme we could facilitate discussion and…

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Shift Winning Well to Creating Well

What does it mean to win well? In business and leadership, I have learned a few things. On winning well, I have learned: Winning without integrity is losing big. Winning without a true collaborative spirit is losing possibility. Winning through self-centered dominance wastes talent and opportunity. Winning by always being right is wrong. Winning through…

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Community Starts With One

When you’re passionate about something, how can you find common ground with others in order to foster community? These 3 ideas will help you mobilize and make an impact on our world.

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