Business Leaders Raising Political Voices

Politics and business have been intermixed for a long time. Even so, another shift is occurring. The Global Strategy Group began conducting an annual Business and Politics: Do They Mix? research study. The 2014 Annual study found that 56 percent of Americans “now believe that corporations should take a stance on political and social issues,…

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Overcoming the Pitfalls of Entrepreneurship and Social Media

I think we can all agree that sometimes, social media can be a little much. Many of us go through periods of time where we are tempted to shut down an account and retreat for a while, and some of us do. It’s also always invigorating to go on an unfollow-cleanse: delete those who cause…

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Generations: The Conscious Influence Imperative

We encounter different influencers through different organizations. Our influencers change as we age. The constant influencers are our parents and community members. What gaps occur with family and community are dependent on the ability to listen, guide, and set a good example – in a mutual way. Outside influencers can carry a larger presence as…

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Presidential Views: Leading

In America, it is election time. Leaders are raising their voices and ideas, and many are concerned, confused, and conflicted. Worldwide, people are curious and anxious as well. Words are spewed with seemingly little thought, yet the words are what worry many, wondering if what is said would become what is done. History resonates. Past…

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What Pledges Should Leaders Keep?

Elections produce interesting questions. The current presidential race is no exception and raises so many more than any before. One question concerns pledges. During the Republican primary, there were 17 candidates, and each pledged to support the final nominee. Several did not honor the pledge. Most that did not keep the pledge skipped the convention….

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Failing Leadership. What Is Next?

What is happening today? Seriously. I can’t help but shake my head and wonder why we have such a sad state of leadership today. Political leaders spend too much time being derogatory and divisive while kicking the can down the road, letting problems go unsolved. Too many business leaders put self-interest in front of the…

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How to Ask Better Questions

One of the most important skills of a leader is the ability to ask great questions. But it isn’t always easy. Here’s how to ask better questions.

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Catching the Coaching Habit Wave

Many think being a leader is challenging. Although there is truth here, being a coach may take on another layer of challenge. Michael Bungay Stanier states that “The essence of coaching lies in helping others unlock their potential.” Talk about a challenge. In the same breath, talk about having a positive impact. Michael Bungay Stanier…

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5 Signs That Your Calling is Calling

I’m a firm believer that we all have a very specific contribution that we are meant to make to the world – something that only we are qualified to deliver. Some call it a gift, or perhaps our purpose, while others refer to it as our calling. Either way, it’s something that fills up our soul…

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Spirited Millennial Amanda: Believing, Caring, Doing

Amanda Burkey is a spirited Millennial leader who is defining passion in whole-hearted ways and pursuing life and work with full engagement. I met Amanda through my work with the HIMSS team and at the annual HIMSS conference. She is diligent in her efforts and honest in perspectives. We had an opportunity to catch up…

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Millennial Impact Report: Converting Statistics to Actions

If you haven’t noticed, The Case Foundation does good work. They undertake research and promote programs that cover civic engagement, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. A solid mix of what makes the world work in better ways. Cutting across these areas is a focus on the next generation – Millennials. In working with Achieve, a survey of…

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Career Chapters: The Next One

My career life has chapters. I didn’t initially realize this until I made a career shift over twenty years ago. After this change, I began thinking about what would be next, especially as I got closer to the other end of the age spectrum. Thinking about your career life in terms of chapters helps living…

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