Eric Torrence

Eric Torrence was born in the early 80s and grew up during the time of Apple 2Es, Oregon Trail, Saved by the Bell, and the birth of the Internet. Eric is a Millennial who loves discussing culture, leadership, faith, and life’s biggest questions. He currently serves as an associate pastor over small groups at Chase Oaks Church. Prior to going into ministry, he worked for a public policy research institution and a political consultant. He earned his undergraduate in Communications at UCLA and a Masters in Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. Eric is married to his wonderful wife Amy and has two sons: Benjamin and Owen. He currently lives in Dallas Texas.

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Eric Torrence's Articles

Going Off the Grid: The Uncomfortable Potential of Unplugging

I recently went off the grid. Okay, how cool did that just sound? It felt cool writing it, like I’m Jack Bauer hiding from a corrupt government official who’s tracking the GPS on my phone. In reality, “off the grid” meant driving with my family to a cabin in a part of the mountains that…

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