Wouldn’t instant replay be nice in life? What a luxury it would be! Think about it, in those times when you have to make a split second decision and it is wrong or wrong-headed, you go back, review, and then make a different, hopefully better, decision. It potentially stops those stupid decisions and opens the door to learning from mistakes quickly and then adjusting appropriately.

However, in real life, the original decision still hangs in history. Replay does not mean un-do. It means re-do with more information, more insight, and more thought.

Sport situations seem to create great reference points in decision-making. The recent one is between Jim Joyce and Armando Galarraga in the blown call controversy. Jim Joyce, as a baseball umpire, called Jason Donald safe and cost Armando Galarraga a perfect game. Within seconds after the call, everyone saw the instant replay, and it was clear he was not safe. Armando Galarraga could have had a perfect game!

AP PhotoIn baseball, instant replays are not used in these situations, so nothing could be done. Jim Joyce saw the replay and knew, in review, that he made the incorrect decision. Joyce took responsibility:

“I thought he beat the throw. I was convinced he beat the throw, until I saw the replay.”

Joyce apologized and took the extra step of talking to Galarraga personally.

Galarraga responded in the following way:

“I told him, ‘Nobody’s perfect.'”

Both Joyce and Galarraga should be commended on their approach to this controversy. First, Joyce stepped up to his responsibility and apologized for making the wrong decision. Galarraga responded in an understanding way, even though the pain of not “officially” getting the perfect game still stings.

There are many times when we want to go back and make a different decision, correct the wrong choice, or try to move in a better direction.

We may not be given the opportunity for an un-do through instant replay, but we are given second chances. This is our re-do opportunity. Second chances come through taking responsibility, seeking forgiveness, and working hard to do better or correct the wrong.

We must seize the re-do opportunities when our first attempt fails.